Vacation Rentals

Aside from the flight to Indonesia , the accommodation will also represent most of your budget for the vacation. You could choose a cheap hotel or even a hostel, but there’s always the possibility to rent a vacation house. Especially when traveling with a group of friends, the cost of accommodation will be lower when you share a vacation rental.

When to rent?

Ideally, not when everyone else is renting. The peak season in Indonesia is between June and August. But even if you want to spend time on the beach, you don’t have to come during the peak season. The climate of Indonesia is almost entirely tropical which means the yearly average temperature is between 26C (inland) and 28C (coastal planes). So, plan to rent a vacation home either in spring (March to May) or fall (September to November). The prices are lower and you won’t be bumping into crowds either.

What to rent ?

Choose what to rent can be a bit tricky especially if you have never done this before. So make sure you know the answers to the following questions: how many of us will be staying together? do we need a luxury place or just something decent? will we be willing to cook or choose to eat out? do we want to stay on the beach or can we stay a bit further?

Once you know the answer to these, start looking for vacation homes. Make sure to read the descriptions properly. Some apartments might only have a small kitchenette while vacation homes come with fully equipped kitchens. If you don’t rent a car, you’d want to stay close to public transportation route.

Price wise, vacation homes cost from US$150 to US$495 per night depending on the number of bedrooms and facilities offered.


It is possible to book a vacation rental online. There are large websites acting as intermediaries between owners and travelers. In this case, you can use the credit card and book everything before departure. Plus, the fees for the transaction are really small.